The present training materials are developed to assist judicial authorities in Member States in the training of colleagues involved in the issuing and executing of EIOs using eEDES. Hence, they take a dual approach combining a training on legal aspects of the EIO with hands-on exercises using the eEDES. The training follows the workflow of the eEDES system focusing on the legal consequences/implications of the different steps along the way.
The training is planned to be interactive, combining structured information blocks with analysis and reflection based on practice and case studies and building on the experience of participants. Instructions to trainers on how to implement the training are provided in a separate document.
Materials prepared for delivery of Module 1 ‘European Investigation Order: Issuing an EIO’ include:
- Session 1.1 ‘Scope of the EIO as an Instrument’:
- Guiding materials (Appendix 1)
- Slide deck (Appendix 2)
- Session 1.2 ‘Issuing an EIO’:
- Guiding materials (Appendix 3)
- Slide deck (Appendix 4)
- Session 1.3 ‘Investigative Measure(s)’:
- Guiding materials (Appendix 5)
- Slide deck (Appendix 6)
- Session 1.4 ‘Grounds for Issuing an EIO’:
- Guiding materials (Appendix 7)
- Slide deck (Appendix 8)
- Session 1.5 ‘Transmitting an EIO’:
- Guiding materials (Appendix 9)
- Slide deck (Appendix 10)
- Session 1.6 ‘Take-home Tasks’:
- Guiding materials (Appendix 11)
- Slide deck (Appendix 12)
- TREIO eEDES Simulator exercises (separate set of materials)
Materials prepared for delivery of Module 2 ‘European Investigation Order: Receiving and Executing an EIO’ include:
- Session 2.1 ‘Reflection on Using eEDES’:
- Guiding materials (Appendix 13)
- Slide deck (Appendix 14)
- Session 2.2 ‘Receiving EIO’:
- Guiding materials (Appendix 15)
- Slide deck (Appendix 16)
- Session 2.3 ‘Recognition and Execution of an EIO’:
- Guiding materials (Appendix 17)
- Slide deck (Appendix 18)
- Session 2.4 ‘Notification of Interception of Telecommunications and MLAs’:
- Guiding materials (Appendix 19)
- Slide deck (Appendix 20)
- Session 2.5 ‘Reflections on the Learning Process’:
- Guiding materials (Appendix 21)
- Slide deck (Appendix 22)
Additional materials (Appendix 23) include:
- summaries of preliminary reference procedures and judgements from the Court of Justice of the European on the interpretation of certain articles in the EIO Directive (up to date until April 2022)
- short list of relevant EU legislation
- short list of relevant documents explaining the EIO practices in Member States
- short list of academic journal articles referring to different aspects of the EIO.
Evaluation materials, part of the set, refer to:
- pre-training evaluation questionnaire (Appendix 24)
- post-training evaluation questionnaire (Appendix 25).
Notes: The training set presented herein has been translated into Bulgarian using professional translation services. The materials have been validated by a native speaker (legal expert) - a representative of the project, and the Bulgarian Master Trainers.
- Training instructions
- Training set
- Module 1 ‘European Investigation Order: Issuing an EIO’ (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Module 2 'European Investigation Order: Receiving and Executing an EIO' (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Additional materials
- Evaluation materials
- TREIO eEDES Simulator exercises
Disclaimer: The training set presented herein has been translated into Croatian using professional translation services. The set has not been validated by a native speaker - a representative of the project, but Croatian Master Trainers validated its content.
- Training instructions
- Training set
- Module 1 ‘European Investigation Order: Issuing an EIO’ (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Module 2 'European Investigation Order: Receiving and Executing an EIO' (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Additional materials
- Evaluation materials
- TREIO eEDES Simulator exercises
Disclaimer: The training set presented herein has been translated into Czech using professional translation services. The set has not been validated by a native speaker - a representative and/or an associate of the project.
- Training instructions
- Training set
- Module 1 ‘European Investigation Order: Issuing an EIO’ (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Module 2 'European Investigation Order: Receiving and Executing an EIO' (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Additional materials
- Evaluation materials
- TREIO eEDES Simulator exercises
Disclaimer: The training set presented herein has been translated into Dutch using professional translation services. The set has not been validated by a native speaker - a representative and/or an associate of the project.
- Training instructions
- Training set
- Module 1 ‘European Investigation Order: Issuing an EIO’ (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Module 2 'European Investigation Order: Receiving and Executing an EIO' (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Additional materials
- Evaluation materials
- TREIO eEDES Simulator exercises
Disclaimer: The training set presented herein has been translated into Finnish using professional translation services. The set has not been validated by a native speaker - a representative and/or an associate of the project.
- Training instructions
- Training set
- Module 1 ‘European Investigation Order: Issuing an EIO’ (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Module 2 'European Investigation Order: Receiving and Executing an EIO' (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Additional materials
- Evaluation materials
- TREIO eEDES Simulator exercises
Disclaimer: The training set presented herein has been translated into French using professional translation services. The set has not been validated by a native speaker - a representative of the project, but representatives of the French Ministry of Justice validated its content.
- Training instructions
- Training set
- Module 1 ‘European Investigation Order: Issuing an EIO’ (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Module 2 'European Investigation Order: Receiving and Executing an EIO' (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Additional materials
- Evaluation materials
- TREIO eEDES Simulator exercises
Notes: The training set presented herein has been translated into German using professional translation services. The materials have been validated by a native speaker (legal expert) - a representative of the project, and the Austrian Master Trainers.
- Training instructions
- Training set
- Module 1 ‘European Investigation Order: Issuing an EIO’ (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Module 2 'European Investigation Order: Receiving and Executing an EIO' (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Additional materials
- Evaluation materials
- TREIO eEDES Simulator exercises
Notes: The training set presented herein has been translated into Greek using professional translation services. The materials have been validated by a native speaker (legal expert) - a representative of the project, and the Greek Master Trainers.
- Training instructions
- Training set
- Module 1 ‘European Investigation Order: Issuing an EIO’ (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Module 2 'European Investigation Order: Receiving and Executing an EIO' (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Additional materials
- Evaluation materials
- TREIO eEDES Simulator exercises
Notes: The training set presented herein has been translated into Italian using professional translation services. The materials have been validated by a native speaker (legal expert) - a representative of the project, but have not been validated by a representative of an Italian competent authority.
- Training instructions
- Training set
- Module 1 ‘European Investigation Order: Issuing an EIO’ (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Module 2 'European Investigation Order: Receiving and Executing an EIO' (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Additional materials
- Evaluation materials
- TREIO eEDES Simulator exercises
Disclaimer: The training set presented herein has been translated into Lithuanian using professional translation services. The set has not been validated by a native speaker - a representative and/or an associate of the project.
- Training instructions
- Training set
- Module 1 ‘European Investigation Order: Issuing an EIO’ (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Module 2 'European Investigation Order: Receiving and Executing an EIO' (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Additional materials
- Evaluation materials
- TREIO eEDES Simulator exercises
Notes: The training set presented herein has been translated into Portuguese using professional translation services. The materials have been validated by a native speaker (legal expert) - a representative of the project, and the Portuguese Master Trainers.
Training instructions- Training set
- Module 1 ‘European Investigation Order: Issuing an EIO’ (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Module 2 'European Investigation Order: Receiving and Executing an EIO' (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Additional materials
- Evaluation materials
- TREIO eEDES Simulator exercises
Disclaimer: The training set presented herein has been translated into Romanian using professional translation services. The set has not been validated by a native speaker - a representative of the project, but the content has been validated by representatives of the Prosecutor's Office attached to the Romanian High Court of Cassation and Justice (Romania).
- Training instructions
- Training set
- Module 1 ‘European Investigation Order: Issuing an EIO’ (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Module 2 'European Investigation Order: Receiving and Executing an EIO' (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Additional materials
- Evaluation materials
- TREIO eEDES Simulator exercises
Disclaimer: The training set presented herein has been translated into Slovak using professional translation services. The set has not been validated by a native speaker - a representative and/or an associate of the project.
- Training instructions
- Training set
- Module 1 ‘European Investigation Order: Issuing an EIO’ (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Module 2 'European Investigation Order: Receiving and Executing an EIO' (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Additional materials
- Evaluation materials
- TREIO eEDES Simulator exercises
Disclaimer: The training set presented herein has been translated into Slovenian using professional translation services. The set has not been validated by a native speaker - a representative and/or an associate of the project.
- Training instructions
- Training set
- Module 1 ‘European Investigation Order: Issuing an EIO’ (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Module 2 'European Investigation Order: Receiving and Executing an EIO' (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Additional materials
- Evaluation materials
- TREIO eEDES Simulator exercises
Notes: The training set presented herein has been translated into Spanish using professional translation services. The materials have not been validated by a native speaker (legal expert) - a representative of the project, but the content has been validated by the Spanish Master Trainers.
- Training instructions
- Training set
- Module 1 ‘European Investigation Order: Issuing an EIO’ (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Module 2 'European Investigation Order: Receiving and Executing an EIO' (guiding materials and slide decks)
- Additional materials
- Evaluation materials
- TREIO eEDES Simulator exercises
Disclaimer: The training set presented herein has been translated into Swedish using professional translation services. The set has not been validated by a native speaker - a representative and/or an associate of the project.