The TREIO training methodology is to incorporate these findings and further reflects on:
the complexity of the judicial role and its multidisciplinary nature referring not only to significant knowledge of the law, but also to the need of specific skills and reflecting upon the social context, values, and ethics;
selection of topics to serve the needs of different types of stakeholders;
relevant legislation, best practices, case law, case studies (use cases), visuals, video/audio tutorials, interaction exchange and tools to complement the training content assessing the modular structure and the expectations of the stakeholders;
jurisdictional differences and the way they could affect the training set up or content;
assessment mechanisms (self-assessment, assessment by third parties);
criteria for selection of trainers (for on-site trainings) and interactive scenario (for online training);
criteria for selection of trainees (representatives of various competent authorities);
train-the-trainers cross-border training specifics, including geographical spread and stakeholder groups’ quotes per training, etc.; and
adaptation of the methodology for e-learning environment.