The year of 2021 will be dedicated to validating the TREIO training content, provide for a series of train-the-trainer activities and deliver EU-wide EIO training online. By doing so, TREIO will support judges, prosecutors, judicial staff, lawyers, and administrative officials, in addressing their needs, expectations and/or EIO implementation gaps identified in their day-to-day activities and engaging them with various legal, technical, and organizational aspects of preparing and exchanging EIO forms and evidence.
Train the trainers
The train-the-trainer programmer will explore some or all modules of the TREIO training content in each training on a multidisciplinary and multilevel basis. The events will seek to produce three main results: (a) to train professionals on the cross-border issues of the EIO implementation and to prepare them for supporting their colleagues on national level as future trainers or mentors; (b) to validate the structure and the modularity of the content; and (c) to contribute to the better adaptation of the training content for online environment by providing relevant feedback and considerations.
The online training will be delivered allowing localization at national level once the TREIO training content is tailored to the specific needs of the piloting Member States (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Spain, and Portugal). It will include technical demos and tutorials on the use of e-Evidence Digital Exchange System and e-CODEX.
TREIO will explore real-time training possibilities for more realistic and immersive sessions, as users would be able to see proof of delivery, trust-OK tokens, and other relevant information in real-time. TREIO will emulate e-Evidence Digital Exchange System responses and fully customise them according to different training scenarios. These simulations will be integrated in the TREIO training content and further provided via the online training, thus users with no experience or access to e-CODEX can also get familiar with the relevant cross-border processes.
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