(a) to develop and pilot an all-round cross-border training on European Investigation Order implementation to foster the use and successful exchange of EIO forms and evidences across EU, covering legal, business, functional and technical aspects, and
(b) to deliver a Reference Training Framework by providing Training Toolkit and guidelines for the EIO training adoption across Europe and an Action Plan for future actions for all Member States.
TREIO strength towards achieving its objectives stems from the way the consortium is designed. The TREIO partners offer a wide range of expertise and talent and have been selected on the merits of their previous experiences in the various TREIO sub-areas (EU law, technology, training, event management, stakeholder awareness, etc.). The TREIO consortium comprises of official national authorities responsible for the EIO implementation on national level, professional bodies, academia and civil society representatives which ensures exhaustive, independent, informed and well-thought trough project results, as well as the involvement of all stakeholder main groups concerned by the project domain. Experience and knowledge are also reinforced with long-term partnership and thoughtful collaborations over the years. The partners have worked together (or are currently engaged) in projects in the Justice domain and has already established strong interorganizational relationships. They account for active relationships with: international institutions like EC (DG Justice and Consumers), EUROJUST, EUROPOL, COE Cybercrime Convention Unit, OLAF, INTERPOL, ICC, EJN, EJTN, CCBE, etc.; EU-funded projects in the criminal justice domain; specific communities involved in e-Justice areas of research, etc.
With all this being said, here are the TREIO Partners!
CNR (Project Coordinator) is represented by two of its institutes:
CNR-IGSG - the Institute of Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems, researches into and applies information and communication technology to the areas of law and legal language, legislative technique, legal decision-making, and the training of the legal professions. It has significant expertise in e-Justice projects, promoting dematerialisation and decentralization of judicial proceedings, transport communication protocols, security and control mechanisms, and support to their standardisation; including in project management of EU-funding ones (EVIDENCE & EVIDENCE2e-CODEX has been recognized by the EC as best practices).
CNR-IRPPS – the Institute for Research of Population and Social Policies, has a long-standing experience in assessment procedures and has successfully supported the internal evaluation of several EU projects.
The Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen is one of the largest faculties in the Netherlands and has a strong research tradition in a number of fields including European law, information technology law, constitutional law, international law, public law, civil law and a variety of interdisciplinary fields. STeP, the ‘Security, Technology and e-Privacy Research Group’, is an interdisciplinary team of researchers organised within the Department of Transboundary Legal Studies. The team covers many areas of information policy and technology law including privacy, data protection, security science, surveillance, cybercrime, self-regulation, and health informatics.
LIBRe Foundation (LIBRe) is the only Bulgarian NGO specializing in e-Justice providing opinions, statements, advice and training on e-Justice and technology related legal issues to the relevant judicial authorities and judicial bodies involved in these processes. Through its experts, LIBRe has supported the development of the e-Justice regulatory framework in Bulgaria and the development of the national Unified Information System for Courts. LIBRe has also developed strong expertise in dissemination and networking in the field of e-Justice within EU-funding projects and national initiatives.
ECTEG – European Cybercrime Training and Education Group, is a non-profit international association gathering law enforcement authorities and universities to contribute to EU cybercrime capacity building by developing and updating course materials on IT crime and IT forensics topics.
University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), via the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has significant experience and know-how in the e-Justice domain addressed by the project. In recent years, AUTH has participated - after an official assignment from the Greek Ministry of Justice - in the major e-Justice programs of the EU in this area (e-CODEX and Me-CODEX projects), and other related projects (ENABLE, Pro-CODEX, API for Justice, EXEC, EVIDENCE2e-CODEX, etc.); while supporting the successful implementation of Greek national e-Justice pilots. AUTH also develops and maintains the e-CODEX Central Testing Platform (CTP), an automated testing infrastructure that enables Member States to perform end-to-end tests between their e-CODEX e-Delivery infrastructure and a fixed central testing point that is available 24/7. CTP constitutes, today, one of the e-CODEX building blocks.
The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law, being part of University of Vienna’s School of Law, was founded in October 2017 to face new legal questions and challenges in the 21st century. The department deals with legal questions surrounding IT/IP law from an EU perspective, with an emphasis on data protection and data security law.
Agenfor International Foundation - Italy, is an independent branch of the non-for-profit network Agenfor Group and specialized in participative security and human rights.
The Federal Ministry of Justice - Austria, the Bulgarian Supreme Judicial Council, the Portuguese Public Prosecutor's Office, and the Ministry of Justice – Greece are the respective national competent authorities on e-Justice and related activities for Austria, Bulgaria, Portugal, and Greece; they take active part in the EIO implementation at both national and European levels. They currently working on the national deployments of the e-Evidence Exchange Digital System’s Reference Portal, developed by the EC.
To complement and further expand on our expertise, TREIO is looking for synergy with other projects, organizations and formal/informal networks working in the field of e-justice, judicial cooperation, and evidence exchange. If your project or initiative falls within the TREIO sub-domains and/or objectives, please get in contact with us and let us know how we can best collaborate!
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