TREIO officially kicked-off!

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The kick-off meeting of the “TRaining on European Investigation Order” Project (TREIO) took place via video conference on 6 May 2020. It was initially planned as a two-day face-to-face meeting in Florence, Italy, on 7-8 April 2020, but due to the COVID-19 state of emergency across Europe the on-site meeting was cancelled.

TREIO aims to develop and pilot an all-round cross-border training on European Investigation Order implementation to foster the use and successful exchange of EIO forms and evidences across EU. It will provide for a Reference Training Framework tailoring the content to cross-border specifics - investigative measures, cooperation, procedures, safeguards, data protection compliance, technical aspects of the EIO exchange; and providing video tutorials on the and the use of the e-Evidence Exchange Digital System, developed by EC.

To achieve this, TREIO sets for the following specific project objectives:

Developing blended training methodology and content with a complete EIO coverage going from the business aspects to the technical ones and focusing on the electronic exchange of EIOs and evidences using information and communication technologies

Involving all stakeholders taking part to the EIO procedure tailoring the training courses and materials to their specific needs

Creating at EU-wide standardized and uniform training curricular and materials with guidelines on their adoption and customization to the different jurisdictions and legal specifics and procedures taking place on national level

Adjusting the e-CODEX testing environment to provide for real-time simulation of an EIO form and evidence exchange and preparing a special tutorial and video materials on the use of the e-Evidence Digital Exchange System towards a more operational and efficient training

Providing cross-border training for 120 trainers empowering them to teach and promote EU-wide EIO implementation in the 12 piloting MSs

Providing online all-round EIO training in 12 official EU languages for a minimum of 1000 practitioners

Developing Training Toolkit and guidelines for all-round EIO training adoption across EU and delivering an Action Plan for future actions on EIO training for all EU MSs

Enhancing national and cross-European cooperation between national competent authorities and professionals on sharing EIO implementation best practices and contributing to the creation of a sound ecosystem in which cross-border cooperation problems and development gaps will be better identified and countered by both authorities and experts.

During the kick-off meeting, the partners discussed and approved key aspects of the project future development including its stages and the overall implementation plan and outlined the dissemination and evaluation strategies and criteria.

More than 35 partners’ experts took part in the initial project meeting. Members of the e-Evidence Project, led by DG Justice and Consumers, and representatives of the European Judicial Network were special guests of the event.