The e-Evidence Digital Exchange System (being the e-evidence Core Service Platform) that manages the European Investigation Order and Mutual Legal Assistance procedures (e-Forms, business logic, statistics, log, etc.) on European level is provided by the e-Evidence Project led by the European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers. The system is under continuous development and DG Justice and Consumers closely monitors its rollout among the Member States providing support, conformance and training, and coordinating all national deployments and/or cross-border projects related to the work done in the e-Evidence project.
The Justice Programme 2014-2020 and the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Programme have secured funding for national/cross-border projects for the continued maintenance and evolution of the e-CODEX and e-evidence Core Service Platforms, and related aspects including training.
To advance on its project planning activities, TREIO took part in the June Projects’ Coordination Meeting to discuss how to best work together in the months to come. The meeting included representatives of the e-Evidence project, national projects coordinated by eight Member States – Belgium, Denmark, Malta, Spain, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, and Portugal, and members of Me-CODEX II and EXEC II projects. More information about these projects can be found here.
The meeting took place via video conference. TREIO was represented by Dr. Maria Angela Biasiotti, CNR-IGSG, and Ms. Alexandra Tsvetkova, LIBRe Foundation, responsible for the project management and stakeholder engagement.