The purpose of the event is to present you with a vision towards embedding real-time simulations of European Investigation Order business flow into trainings on judicial cooperation.
The e-Evidence Digital Exchange System (eEDES) is provided by the European Commission to support Member States in managing the European Investigation Order (EIO) and Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) procedures on European level. Relying on eEDES, it is possible for the judicial professionals to prepare EIO/MLA forms in a digital way and send them as a message, as well as to attach documents to each message.
Contextualizing on the use of eEDES, the TREIO Project has developed a Reference Training Framework on the European Investigation Order implementation. TREIO tools, offered in several languages, include
- a comprehensive set of training materials that could be tailored to both professionals seeking in-depth training on EIO and professionals with extensive day-to-day experience in this judicial cooperation instrument
- guidelines to each training session providing suggestions for carrying out the training, detailed information and additional references on the content covered and hands-on activities to activate learning on the eEDES
- self-paced e-learning course based on TREIO training materials and providing for real-time training modalities via the eEDES Simulator
- an eEDES Simulator of the EIO business flow (with customized auto-responder) and a full e-CODEX infrastructure to provide realistic message flows among trainees.
The event aims to bring together managers or trainers in judicial training institutions, judges, prosecutors and high-ranking civil servants making decisions in their countries on judicial training, as well as officials responsible for training aspects of a new system’s launch for judiciary – to collectively share knowledge and experience and discuss recommended ways forward on the presented methodology and existing supporting tools. You are invited to forward the present invitation to all training institutions, judicial bodies and/or judicial cooperation professionals involved in training on national level that could be interested in the topics presented.
The working language of the event is English. The event is to be recorded for further reference and will be made available after the event.
To register for the event, fill in this form:, by no later than Monday, 10th July 2023, 15:00 CET.
The Workshop Team is ready to provide you with more information should you require this - just get in contact!