TREIO Info Day #4 - English (29 Jan 2024)

Title: TREIO eLearning Course on EIO Exchanges using eEDES, and How To Make the Most Out of the TREIO eEDES Simulator
Description: Part of the TREIO Info Day Series
Period: 29 Jan 2024, 14.30 - 15.30 CET
Location: Virtual settings

The TREIO Project organized the TREIO Info Day Series to:

briefly familiarize professionals with the ongoing digitalisation of judicial cross-border information exchange and procedures, and how the TREIO Project's tools could support the professionals in this process; and

provide practitioners with an overview of the TREIO eLearning Course on European Investigation Order (EIO) exchanges and the use of the e-Evidence Digital Exchange System (eEDES) in this regard, and how one can make the most out of the TREIO eEDES Simulator.

The e-Evidence Digital Exchange System is provided by the European Commission to support Member States in managing the EIO and Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) procedures on European level. Relying on eEDES, it is possible for the judicial professionals to prepare EIO/MLA forms in a digital way and send them as a message, as well as to attach documents to each message. Contextualizing on the use of eEDES, the TREIO Project has developed, among other tools, a self-paced e-learning course providing for real-time training modalities via the TREIO eEDES Simulator, and the TREIO eEDES Simulator of the EIO business flow (with customized auto-responder) to provide for realistic message flows among trainees.

The Info Day Series are designed for representatives of training institutions and judicial bodies and/or judicial cooperation professionals involved in training on national level that could be interested in the topics presented, as well as for all professionals dealing with EIOs on a daily basis and/or interesting in this instrument.

The Info Day Series are available in 8 different languages, with each webinar lasting for 60 min and allowing time for questions from the audience. Full schedule is provided here.


Monday, 29th January 2024, 14.30 - 15.30 CET

Time Activity
14.15 Connection Check. Registration
14.30 - 14.45

Introduction to the Ongoing Digitalisation of Judicial Cross-border Information Exchange and Procedures. Where Does the TREIO Project Stand?

Alexandra Tsvetkova, LIBRe Foundation, Bulgaria

14.45 - 15.00

TREIO eLearning Course on EIO Exchanges and the Use of the e-Evidence Digital Exchange System (eEDES) in this regard

Dr Georgina Humphries, European Cybercrime Training and Education Group (ECTEG), Belgium

15.00 - 15.15

TREIO eEDES Simulator of the EIO Business Workflow

Alexandra Tsvetkova, LIBRe Foundation, Bulgaria

15.15 - 15.30

How to Sign Up for Using these Tools? Q&A Session with the Audience

Dr Georgina Humphries, European Cybercrime Training and Education Group (ECTEG), Belgium

Alexandra Tsvetkova, LIBRe Foundation, Bulgaria

Registration Form

Registration is now closed. For further details, please contact

Recording of the Event